Published: 08 November 2018
By: Sam Del Rowe
Marketing automation provider Pyze today launched the latest version of its growth intelligence platform, featuring cross-channel user insights, actionable analytics campaigns, and customizable dashboards.
“Today, consumers that interact with services don’t really think about a channel—I don’t really think about, I’m adding an item to the shopping cart on my phone and maybe going home doing some research on my desktop and then checking out,” says Prabhjot Singh, founder and CEO of Pyze. “Marketers are overwhelmed with the amount of different channels that users are utilizing to make transactions.”
To help make sense of it all, Pyze’s cross-channel user insights offer multidimensional analysis across apps, channels, and data sources; on-demand data visualization and data export; and dynamic app groups that combine cross-channel or app behavior for data analytics. “What we’re doing at Pyze is short-circuiting that process and providing a complete understanding of a user’s behavior regardless of what channel they use. A marketer doesn’t have to think about these are my mobile users, these are my web users; they really now can just think about the user and understand how that user interacts with their service,” Singh says.
The actionable analytics campaigns allow users to trigger campaigns from analytics views, automate campaigns based on granular user actions or behavior, and develop campaign triggers based on events imported using server-side data sources. Singh notes that the actionable analytics campaigns go hand in hand with the cross-channel user insights.
“Not only are we now providing a complete understanding of what a user is doing across different channels, but we can activate campaigns against that user,” he says. “Today it’s overwhelming for a marketer to think about how they should communicate with the user—[for example], should they send them a push message, should they send them an email, should they send them an SMS. Now, Pyze will automatically determine the best channel to reach out to that user: All a marketer has to say is, ‘I want to send a campaign to users that haven’t used the app in a month or haven’t come to my website in a month,’ and we’ll automatically determine the best mechanism to reach out to that user.”
The customizable dashboards deliver role-based views for users that showcase app or app group data metrics. They include the ability to add any data insight or visualization to a custom dashboard, and real-time dashboard loading.
“This was a big requirement that we heard from lots of customers in terms of being able to create dashboards that matter to them with the data that’s important for their goals. C-level executives are interested in understanding the overall health, top-level metrics of how applications are performing, how many transactions are happening, [and] how much revenue is being generated, whereas a product manager would be interested in understanding what screen paths are leading to the most conversions, which actions lead someone to buy versus not buy. Each user in the organization can now set up their own dashboards with the relevant data so that they can do their job most effectively,” Singh says.
“The direction in which we’re heading is a first for the industry because most companies will either focus on analytics or they’ll focus on marketing campaigns, and what we’re doing is fusing those two together to provide a complete solution for marketers and for product organizations. It doesn’t make sense that your analytics should be done in one place, your segmentation should be done in another place, and your marketing campaigns execute in another place—all of these really belong together so that you have a complete understanding of that user experience and you have a complete feedback loop,” he adds.